The Casitas Estate

Arroyo Grande Wedding Venue

The Estate, sit­u­ated on seven acres, was for­merly a pri­vate res­i­dence known as Casa De Col­ores, built with lush gar­dens, and a feel of Tus­cany pep­pered with mature Mediter­ranean olives and laven­der. The archi­tec­tural design is in keep­ing with his­toric Inns like Ran­cho Santa Fe from the turn of the century–in a Span­ish Revival Style cen­tered with pic­turesque nat­ural land­scapes and vis­tas from the back lawn. The Casitas Estate boasts seven sig­na­ture kiva fire­places adorned with Talav­era tiles and two pri­vate court­yards cen­tered with foun­tains, offer­ing you many great set­tings for your spe­cial day.

The Casitas Estate feels like you have been trans­ported to Tus­cany with hill­top views and onsite and dis­tant vineyards. 

The Casitas Estate offers cou­ples and their guests many great set­tings for your spe­cial day. While the estate is spa­cious, the loca­tions for cer­e­mony, cock­tail hour, and recep­tion are all in close prox­im­ity so logis­tics are very easy for your guests to have a won­der­ful, under­stated yet ele­gant experience.

Perched above the fields with panoramic views, your cer­e­mony and/or recep­tion will take place over­look­ing the Arroyo Grande Val­ley and nearby vine­yards pro­vid­ing many beau­ti­ful pho­tog­ra­phy options with sun­sets hit­ting the hills dur­ing your evening activities.