Lindsey Gomes is like a bright and twinkling star. Her personality (and even hair color) radiate life, excitement, and wonder to all around her touching the lives of any that have the pleasure of knowing her! Free spirited, engaging, and present - this girl loves the raw moments that make life worth living. Capturing weddings brings her immense joy because of the long lasting joy she delivers back to her couples in the way she tells their love story. Her husband on the other hand is solid, strong, level headed; the perfect balance to her whimsical nature. Trevor makes up a big part of who Lindsey is and how she captures a wedding and runs a business. More behind the scenes and technical - she wouldn't be where she is in her art journey without him. Trevor plays more than just a supporting role, he partners with Lindsey handling some of the stuff that may not be so glamorous so that she can chase the wind, capture the moments, and shine more brightly! Read Lindsey's interview and get to know this amazing couple; you will most certainly fall in love with them.

How did you get started doing what you do?
I was 18 years old when i started watching the children of a wonderful family. I was with the kids quite often, and grew to just love and adore them. I was watching them grow from babies, to toddlers, to big kids right before my eyes, and all I wanted to do was capture the sweet moments in between. I started snapping photos of them regularly and found that i was actually pretty obsessed with this whole 'taking pictures' thing. I enrolled in a film photography class at Cuesta and instantly fell in love. I photographed anything and anyone who would allow me; and I soon realized that being a photographer was what i had to do with my life.
Who or what continues to inspires you?
I wouldn't say there is a particular person who inspires me - more just people in general. I am inspired by the good things in life, like happiness and love. Seeing those around me happy makes my heart so full.
I'm inspired by that moment when you hand your clients their images and they are overjoyed. I love getting those calls, texts and emails from a couple saying how perfect their images are and how we captured their day perfectly. That is why I do this. For those moments. Knowing you created the best story of the best day of their lives is enough to make me want to do this forever.
What makes your business unique?
I think every photographer is unique in their own way - and this is because of their personality, how they see the world, and which moments they choose to photograph. By nature I'm a very happy and upbeat person and I can most always see the good. I use this in my business, always seeing the happy moments and feeling this urge to capture them.
I also love being a husband and wife wedding photographer team. Having my other half there with me at every wedding, working with me & supporting me is a dream come true. When I was first getting into photography, Trevor helped me learn along the way. Although he was not a photographer at the time, he was my teacher. Reading about exposure and aperture and f-stops, he would then explain it all to me. He proposed in January of 2011, and from that moment on we became a team. We now have 4 years under our belt as a husband and wife team and we are so excited for year 5!
How would you describe your ideal couple?
Our ideal couple values photography and the photographs they get from their wedding day. They want a photographer who likes a schedule, yet can roll with the punches when needed. And the biggest thing our ideal couple has? Trust. No photographer likes to receive a 'shot-list' - to me it's like you do not trust that we will capture the moments. I love those couples who come in with their hands up like, 'you got this!' They've seen our work & and they can put full trust in us. Yes. Those couples. I love them. I want them.
Favorite part of a wedding?
My hands down favorite part of a wedding day is the recessional. That moment after a couple is announced husband and wife, as they turn to see all their friends and family watching them and cheering them on... it chokes me up every.single.time!
Next favorite is sunset portraits. It's such a quiet, intimate time where the couple can get away from the craziness of guests & the wedding day for a few minutes and just be together.
Why do you do what you do?
I do what I do because I can't imagine myself doing anything else. Literally; anything else. There is such a sense of power and creativity when I have a camera in my hands. Being a photographer allows me to be an extrovert and an introvert at the same time. I love to meet new people and hear their stories, but I also love to hideaway in my office and work on images.
How do you normally begin your day?
Coffee. Always coffee.
My husband and I have 3 dogs, one cat, and 6 chickens; they most definitely keep our hands full and our hearts happy. I always wake up to slobbery dog kisses, grab my cup of coffee, then go let the chickens out of the coop.
What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment is being able to do what I love. I feel so lucky and so blessed to have the friends and the family that I do. They have supported me from the second I announced I wanted to be a photographer. Nobody ever questioned me or asked if I was really going to be able to make a living at it, they all just said, "go Lindsey!" haha.
I am so incredibly proud that I have been able to make Lindsey Gomes Photography a successful and wonderful business. I always wondered what I would do when I grew up, never in a million years dreaming that I would be able to do something that brought me so much joy. Yes, it was a lot, I mean a lot, of years of hard work, but it all paid off in the end. Not to say it's not hard work now, but those beginning years of figuring out how to run your own business are tough!
What do you enjoy doing on your day off?
Ohh days off. Those are the best.
In the summertime you can find Trevor and I with all 3 dogs playing at the beach.
I also love to work in the garden, cook yummy dinners, and have a great Netflix binge.
But really, as long as i have that cute husband of mine and those 3 dogs with me, I'm a happy girl.
OK, tell us your Nickname(s)?
The kids I mentioned in the first question - when I first started taking photos of them I would tell them to say 'Cheeeeeese' all the time. So the oldest boy nicknamed me Cheese. I have been Cheese for the last 10 years, and it's my favorite nickname ever.
My parents had a really hard time picking out my name... it's in my baby book that they decided to just name me: Moon Puppy Freedom Eagle. hahaha. Thankfully somewhere along the line 'Lindsey' was chosen..... but I still feel like Moon Puppy Freedom Eagle fits me and my personality quite well.
When I was little I was a talker. Ok, I still kind of am a talker, haha. but my family nicknamed me Lippy Loo Loo. Apparently not only did I talk a lot, but I also talked-back a lot. haha. I have 3 brothers - I'm the only girl. My twin brother used to always call me 'Dip' - I have no idea why, lol. And my little brothers call me 'Shishy.'
Other than that I get 'Linds' a lot! haha.
Tell us one thing few people know about you?
I'm an organized hippy at heart. I'm a dreamer with a free-spirit who can't have the pillows array on her couch. I'm the most non-spontaneous spontaneous person you have ever met. One minute I can make a decision at the drop of a hat, the next minute I'd rather starve then decide what to eat for dinner. I know who I am, yet I have no idea who I am, all that same time.
I know the question asks for 'one thing few people know' - but here are a few things I do know about myself:
- My husband is the best thing that ever happened to me. Life with him is perfect.
- I'm an animal lover. I'd rather hang with my dogs than with people.
- Green is my favorite color.
- If i could be any animal i'd be a bird - and no, not because of the movie The Notebook. Because I want to fly.
- I'm the most happy when I have fresh flowers in my home, so trader joes runs happen often, just for the flowers.
- Doing anything outdoors makes me feel alive.
- I love food.
- I'm a dreamer >> thankfully I married a realist who keeps some of my crazy dreams at bay.
Wedding trend that your loving right now?
I love when brides think outside of the norm for their wedding dress! A long train, sleeves, a chunky necklace - anything to stand out and be who they are.
Wedding trend that will hopefully be out next year?
Posed bridal party shots. Ugh. All the bridesmaids with a can of beer, covering the flower girls eyes - barf!
Favorite quote?
"Have courage and be kind." - Cinderella's mom.
What's in the top 5 of your bucket list?
I'm not really too into bucket lists...
I have a very happy life, I love my family and I have the best friends. A bucket list would just make me feel like I have so many more things to get done, to do, and to see. I don't have that desire to cross things off of a list, I have a desire to do what I want to do at that particular time. I like to take one day at time and see where it leads me - maybe one day it's re-paint the kitchen, maybe it's a road trip to colorado, maybe it's to go camping in Yosemite, or maybe it's to just finally put away that pile of laundry. Every day is a new day!
Where do you see yourself (or business) in the near future?
Ah, this is a good question. As much fun as it is to look into the future - I'm a dreamer at heart - I'm not much of a planner. In the future I dream of having a house full of kids and being incredibly happy with my life. That's it. Life throws punches and I feel like if I have a plan, like a bucket list, I will just feel sad when it doesn't turn out the way I had hoped or if I can't cross everything off that list.
Like my life, I take my business one day at time. Of course I'm still booking weddings for next year, but I definitely don't have a plan of being a worldwide traveling photographer in 5 years or anything like that. I like to let go and see where the wind takes me... I'm a free-spirited dreamer, remember? :)
Anything else you want to say that we didn't ask?
Wow, did you read all of that? Props to you. I hope you found me a little bit interesting and that you liked my photographs. Perhaps maybe you think Trevor and I are the perfect fit to photograph your wedding day? If so, I'd love to hear from you! :)
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